Hashtags used by museums Twitter accounts from REMED in 2021


Data de creación: 13-06-2024



Author: Víctor Yeste. Universitat Politècnica de Valencia. This study consists of quantitative, explanatory, and non-experimental research using inductive inference longitudinally. Thus, the use of hashtags by the Twitter accounts of the set of museums that are part of REMED is studied, and the analysis of hashtag trends by Twitter users in Spanish is performed. The primary variable is the favorite count, and it is hypothesized from this study that it is possible to predict the primary variable five weeks later. The field of study is formed by the 104 Twitter accounts of the museums that are part of REMED (Red de Museos y Estrategias Digitales). Seven analysis variables explain the information related to the use of hashtags, both in the size of the Twitter accounts of museums of the sample chosen (prefix "m_" in the variables) and Twitter users in Spanish in general (prefix "tw_" in variables). All variables represent the data in count mode, which means that they sum up the total of the data collected for each tweet of each hashtag processed: Number of tweets (variable name "num_tweets") Number of retweets (variable name "retweet_count") Number of favorites (variable name "favorite_count") Number of followers of tweeters (variable name "user_num_followers") Number of tweets published by tweeters (variable name "user_num_tweets") Age in days of tweeters' Twitter accounts (variable name "user_age") Number of tweets including a URL (variable name "url_inclusion") With the variables above, an investigation has been carried out by checking the correlations between the variables and performing a regression analysis. Thus, the relationships between the variables are ascertained and analyzed to determine if it is possible to predict the number of favorites of the hashtags used by museums. The first initial intake is presented with the suffix "_t0" in the columns, and the intake made 5 weeks later is presented with the suffix "_t1" in the columns This dataset has contributed to the elaboration of the book chapter: Yeste Moreno, V.; Calduch-Losa, Á.; Serrano-Cobos, J. (2022). Estudio predictivo del uso colectivo de hashtags en museos de la red REMED. En CIMED21 - I Congreso internacional de museos y estrategias digitales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 251-265. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIMED21.2021.12281


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