Use of hashtags in Hispanic digital native media


Datum der Erstellung: 13-06-2024



Author: Víctor Yeste. Universitat Politècnica de Valencia. In this paper, we have studied the result of retweets that have used hashtags by a set of digital native media (those born from and for the online environment) Spanish and Portuguese on Twitter from the point of view of trend analysis. The field of study, therefore, is that of Twitter accounts of generalist digital native media that have been born from and for the online environment in Spain and Portugal. A sample of 96 accounts has been extracted, 48 from Spanish media and the other 48 from Portuguese press. A type of quota sampling has been used using as sources: Regulatory Entity for Social Communication ( and New Media Observatory (https// This study consists of two dimensions applied to the use of each hashtag: The type of sender of the tweets: the selected set of digital native media (prefix "m_" in the variables) or the set of Twitter users in general, using for the latter the Twitter API search functionality (prefix "tw_" in the variables). The language used by the sender of each tweet: Spanish (suffix "_es" in the variables) or Portuguese (suffix "_pt" in the variables). Taking into account these dimensions, the data have been taken making use of the following analysis variables, all of them in count mode, that is, adding up the total of the data captured by each tweet in which the hashtag analyzed has been included: Tweets (variable name "num_tweets") Retweets (variable name "retweet_count") Favorites (variable name "favorite_count") Followers of tweeters (variable name "user_num_followers") Tweets published by tweeters (variable name "user_num_tweets") Age in days of tweeters' Twitter accounts (variable name "user_age") Tweets that include a URL (variable name "url_inclusion") These analysis variables have served to perform a correlative research technique, through which regression analysis is performed to determine the relationships between the variables and analyze the possibility of predicting the number of retweets. To do this, two shots were taken: an initial shot (suffix "_t0" in the variables) and a shot 14 days later (suffix "_t1" in the variables). This dataset has contributed to the elaboration of the book chapter: Yeste-Moreno, V., Calduch-Losa, Á., & Serrano-Cobos, J. (2021). Análisis predictivo colectivo del uso de hashtags en medios nativos digitales hispanos. In Digital media: el papel de las redes sociales en el ecosistema educomunicativo en tiempos de Covid-19 (pp. 197-224). McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España.


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