El tratamiento psicológico de los desórdenes emocionales en Atención Primaria. Análisis de un caso clínico.

  1. Marina Baquero Tomás
  2. María Modrego Muñoz
  3. Luciana Moretti
  4. César González Blanch
  5. Itziar Iruarrizaga Díez
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 115

Pages: 119-136

Type: Article

More publications in: Informació psicològica


In recent years the emotional disorders’ (ED) prevalence has increased considerably. Primary Care (PC) services are the first receivers of the majority of patients with these pathologies, especially those related to depression, anxiety and somatization. In Spain, the proportion of these patients that receives a minimally adequate treatment is low. It is necessary to establish efficient treatment protocols based on scientific evidence to approach the ED. Psychology project in PC PsicAP is a groupal intervention protocol based on the transdiagnostic approach and cognitive-behavioral techniques. The objective is bringing psychological treatments closer to PC, making easier access to a high percentage of the population. Next, we describe the case of an ED patient who participates in PsicAP project. The program, based on the transdiagnostic treatment approach, is developed in 7 group sessions, with a duration of an hour and a half over 24 weeks. The program is effective in reducing clinical symptoms, which confirms that is a short, low-cost and useful treatment for ED patients in the PC context.

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