Estudio descriptivo longitudinal sobre el consumo de sustancias en la adolescencia

  1. García Merita, María Luisa
  2. Tomás Dols, Sofía
  3. González García, Lorena
  4. Castillo Fernández, Isabel
  5. Mars Aicart, Lidón
  6. Balaguer Solá, Isabel
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 1

Pages: 63-80

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de drogodependencias


Objective. The goal of the present study was to carry out a longitudinal study about alcohol, tobacco and cannabis used during adolescence. Method. The participants of the study were 148 students from the Valencian Community (75 boys and 73 girls) from ages between 11 to 17 years old (M = 13,31; SD = 1,50) who completed the questionnaires with the variables of interest at three different times (three consecutive academic years). Results. Results showed a trajectory to an increased substance use as the teenagers grew up. Use of different types of alcohol (beer, wine, spirits, cider or champaign), tobacco and cannabis increase signifi cantly as adolescents grew up. On the other hand, the use of other illicit drugs slightly increased. Conclusions. Tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use is initiated by adolescents, between 13 to 15 years old, and is consolidated through the ages.

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