No somos muchas pero sí muy machas. La tríada de la cultura mexicana, el género y la enfermería como causas silenciadas del Síndrome de Burnout

Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Lillo Crespo Director

Defence university: Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante

Fecha de defensa: 05 December 2012

  1. Olga Hernández Limón Chair
  2. María Flores Vizcaya Moreno Secretary
  3. Teresa de Jesús Guzmán Acuña Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 334346 DIALNET lock_openRUA editor


The current changes in our society compel us, in a way, to approach a specific need to know what is the cause of burnout syndrome in nurses. It is a profession where the aid relationship is constant, direct and continuous, and whose individually experience should be considered inserted in a context of complex relationships. So, after conducting a quantitative study on 179 nurses, the following results were obtained: 19% of the participants had the syndrome and about 39% had a high level of emotional exhaustion, 72% had a high level of depersonalization. After that, focus groups were organized to contextualize the studied institution and through the snowball technique, eleven participants were interviewed. With the analysis and study of them, we tried to deepen into their own experiences and get subjective information of the subject. The methodology used in this part of the study is of qualitative and of ethnographic court, given the importance of the experience and perception of professionals about the evolution and process of the burnout syndrome. We propose a triple helix model as a silent force of burnout syndrome in the population studied. With this study, therefore, it is pretended to raise awareness of the nurses living situation from the depth of their perception, because only from the voice of the actors involved, the real motive of burnout in nurses can be known.