Perfiles de menores policonsumidores de drogas y su relación con la conducta antisocial: orientaciones para la prevención

  1. Víctor José Villanueva Blasco
  2. Dalila Eslava Pérez
  3. Andrea Vázquez Martínez
  4. Bárbara González Amado
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 117

Páxinas: 17-31

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Informació psicològica


The aim of the present study was to create a polydrug users adolescents profile, classifying them according to the age of onset and their alcohol, tobacco and cannabis consumption and drunkenness. Likewise, problematic behavior variable was studied in order to assess whether it differentiates between the clusters emerged. The sample consisted of 284 students between 14 and 17 years old of whom 18.3% were polidrug users of the three substances and drunkenness. The Scale of Age of onset in Drug Use, the Drug Use Frequency Questionnaire and the Problematic Behavior Scale were administered. Cluster analysis results have shown a three cluster solution. Specifically, the cluster of polidrug risk minors is made up of individuals who initiate their consumption at an early stage and have a greater frequency of problematic behaviors. The study highlights the relevance of actuation from public authorities with the objective of guarantying the compliance with the legislation, as well as promoting school and familiar selective preventive programs based on scientific evidence

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