Pouvoir et mémoire dans "Ese día cayó en domingo" de Sergio Ramirezinterférences et antagonismes

  1. Besse, Nathalie 1
  1. 1 University of Strasbourg

    University of Strasbourg

    Estrasburgo, Francia

    ROR https://ror.org/00pg6eq24

Epos: Revista de filología

ISSN: 0213-201X

Ano de publicación: 2023

Número: 39

Páxinas: 12-38

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Epos: Revista de filología


Ese día cayó en domingo by Sergio Ramírez is a collection of ten stories published in 2022. We will focus on four stories that have to do with political power and its abuses, and which give memory a fundamental role: it contradicts power and is constructed as a counter-discourse, or it thwarts its falsifications. One story is inspired by the genocide in Guatemala, two by the spring of 2018 in Nicaragua, and the fourth explores the dialectic of the president and the double. We will first look at the memory of referential crimes and the ambivalence of a power that seems to be questioned in its essence. We will then study the narrative and discursive strategies that underpin this memorial confrontation of power, between testimony and realism, before considering the ethical links between literature and memory in Sergio Ramírez’s work.

Referencias bibliográficas

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