Aplicación de Scrum a la dirección y elaboración de Trabajos Finales de Grado experimentales de Comunicación

  1. Fernando Bonete Vizcaíno
Innovación y Comunicación: Retos docentes para la transferencia del conocimiento
  1. Jesús Segarra-Saavedra (coord.)
  2. Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí (coord.)
  3. Javier Herrero-Gutiérrez (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Fragua

ISBN: 978-84-7074-874-5

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Orrialdeak: 125

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


The appliance of Scrum to management and development of practical Final Degree Projects (FDP) aims to facilitate lecturer-student coordination based on an agile method that effectively organizes work times and priorities, and encourages student self-management. The use of Scrum in the guidance of a FDP also implies an added value to students and their future professional development: learning and embracing a methodology increasingly used in companies, agencies and communication consultancies. In this proposal, we start from a general review of the agile Scrum working method: definition, objectives, origin and development. Scrum team, artifacts and events are then adapted and applied to teaching guidance processes and the content and phases of a practical FDP. The tools required for its implementation are listed.