Los covidivorcios después del confinamiento por el covid-19: Breve anális de las causas y soluciones desde una visión constructiva.

  1. Ania Granjo
Revista jurídica valenciana

ISSN: 1139-5885

Ano de publicación: 2020

Número: 35

Páxinas: 70-92

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista jurídica valenciana


The absolutely exceptional and unusual situation we have been experiencing since 14 March 2020, when the central government decreed a state of alarm, and with it the confinement to our homes - as a measure to combat the so-called Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) - has wreaked real havoc on couples' relationships, whether they are married or not, which makes it necessary to carry out an analysis, as well as a reflection on the matter and to offer keys and alternatives to combat the judicial collapse that is approaching in the field of Family Law.