Normograma de predicción de la fluidez verbal a través de variables de interés neuroclínico

  1. Gema Arévalo Arévalo 1
  2. José Vte Carmona Simarro 1
  1. 1 Universidad Cardenal Herrera (España)
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 14

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4321/S1988-348X2020000100013 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: ENE Revista de Enfermería

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The increase in life expectancy has led to a progressive ageing of the population and an increase in the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases. Brain degeneration may begin in middleaged individuals and since in the absence of neurodegenerative pathology there is a progressive loss of synapses during neurosenescence, early detection of some predemential state by means of neuropsychological Verbal Fluidity (VF) tests could prevent most cases of dementia from sporadically appearing. The main cortical degenerative processes of presenil appearance affect specific cerebral areas causing linguistic alterations such as semantic aphasia - linked with the integrity of the temporal lobes- or phonological -linked with the integrity of the frontal lobes-. VF declines with age, but it is not known exactly if the deterioration patterns are qualitatively different from those observed in the normal aging process. The sample consisted of 118 subjects: 34.7% men and 65.3% women, with an average age of 52.95 ± 18.87. We analyzed the relationship of age with semantic and phonological VF tests, and the relationship of VF tests to each other. Thus, a multiple regression model -nomogram- was established, becoming a useful prediction instrument in the clinical setting. The first model established that age is presented as an independent and predictive variable of semantic VF. A second model -R2 62.70%- also demonstrated that the values of the semantic VF and phonological VF tests are shown as predictor variables.

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