Las mujeres violadas en la guerra de Bosnia, dobles víctimas del conflicto 20 años después

  1. Esma Kucukalic Ibrahimovic

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Nummer: 2

Art: Artikel


Twenty years after the war in the Balkans, thousands of Bosnian women raped during the conflict are still waiting for justice. They are recognized as civilian victims of the conflict, and they are responsible for the international justice recognizes rape as a crime against humanity, but even that they are still waiting to meet their aggressors sentences and that society restore their dignity. Just 700 of more than 20,000 raped women receives financial aid, and 90% of them do not have access to adequate health therapy. Their children, many born as a result of the rape are doubly victims, of social policies that forget them, and the social stigma that condemns them. Without the economic and moral reparations to these victims, Bosnian society will not be able to understand the true dimension of the war, and may not be able to permanently close its wounds.