El desafio de kosovo por levantar el “telón de acero” contra el terrorismo internacional

  1. Esma Kucukalic Ibrahimovic

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 1

Type: Article


The war, the instability, the poverty and ethnic tensions which has not even finished with the secession from Serbia have marked the recent history of Kosovo. The international intervention camed into a weak state with an established crime structure and the paramilitaries remains in power areas which are presumed for war crimes and links to international terrorism. An overview is not encouraging to global threats such as terrorism that can convert Kosovo in the corridor of international jihadism to Western Europe. The challenge for national power is extraordinary and has been called "the construction of the Iron Curtain" against fundamentalism, but it is an impossible goal to achieve without regional collaboration and international cooperation through the full recognition of the youngest Europe country and its entry into the main international organizations.