Análisis inicial de un centro asistencial psicogeriátrico, según la perspectiva del modelo de atención centrada en la persona

  1. Elsa Gummà Serra
  2. Mónica Donio Bellegarde Nunes 1
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional de Valencia

    Universidad Internacional de Valencia

    Valencia, España


Trabajo social hoy

ISSN: 1134-0991

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 90

Pages: 107-130

Type: Article

More publications in: Trabajo social hoy


Senior centers are gradually changing from Service Centered Care (ACS), to Person Centered Care (ACP). The ACP is a residential alternative of increasing expansion, which promotes the desire expressed by a large majority of the elderly; the will to age in their own home or, failing that, in a space designed based on a home model. This work evaluates in a multidimensional way a psychogeriatric care center according to the ACP model (MACP), measuring three key aspects; the environmental space and the perception of the professionals and the residents. Subsequently, a SWOT report is made that is completed with a CAME analysis. The study of the results will become a key tool for future proposals for change in the analyzed center itself and in others of similar characteristics, providing keys and guidelines for its adaptation and contributing to ease the gradual conversion to the MACP. The work determines that both residents and professionals of the center have a positive vision of the care they receive and provide, respectively. At the organizational and environmental level, it is concluded that some improvements are necessary for the adaptation to the model.

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