Procesos colectivos en materia de daños por infracciones de Derecho de la Competenciasobre la figura de las class actions en EE.UU. y los mecanismos de tutela colectiva en España

  1. María Victoria Torre Sustaeta
Práctica de tribunales: revista de derecho procesal civil y mercantil

ISSN: 1697-7068

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 153

Type: Article

More publications in: Práctica de tribunales: revista de derecho procesal civil y mercantil


The volume and growth of economic activity in the market at a supranational – and even digital – level has prompted the creation of other types of realities to which legal proceedings must adapt, especially in view of collective jurisdictional requirements. Although the Directive on damages for infringement of Competition Law has resulted in a genuine qualitative – and quantitative – leap in the framework of judicial, or even “private”, protection, the mechanisms of collective or supra-individual protection are still pending. In this light, the aim of this study is to assess the procedural formulas contained in the Spanish legal system when it comes to damage claims for anticompetitive conduct, while taking into consideration the concept of class actions as an example of procedural efficiency.