Omnichannel-based value creation through the activation of business model themesa multi-case exploration of retail firms

  1. Katarina Knobel 1
  2. Ricardo Costa-Climent 1
  3. Darek M. Haftor 1
  1. 1 Uppsala University

    Uppsala University

    Upsala, Suecia


Esic market

ISSN: 0212-1867

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 55

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7200/ESICM.55.329 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Esic market


Objective: This study investigates the impact of omnichannel practices in retail, driven by both the challenge of product commodification and the opportunities arising from digital technology adoption by consumers. The primary aim is to understand how these practices enhance customer purchase processes through seamless interactions across multiple channels and contribute to value creation. Methodology: Employing a qualitative multi-case study approach, the research examines 14 retailers to explore the implementation and outcomes of omnichannel practices. This methodology provides in-depth insights into the operational and strategic aspects of omnichannel retailing. Results: The study reveals that omnichannel practices contribute to value creation in four distinct themes: novelty, efficiency, complementarity, and lock-in. Contrary to the prevailing assumption in managerial orthodoxy that primarily associates omnichannel practices with efficiency, this research demonstrates that these practices can be leveraged in a more multifaceted manner. It also shows that activation of these value creation themes is not binary, as previously suggested, but varies in degrees and combinations. Practical Implications: Managers in the retail sector are advised to carefully consider which operational solutions to integrate into their omnichannel practices. This strategic selection should aim to activate a specific combination of value creation themes in a certain order and to a certain degree. The research is limited by its reliance on a qualitative approach and a relatively small sample size of 14 retailers. In the future, independent studies with large empirical and quantitative analyses should be done in order to confirm these insights.

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