Estudio predictivo del uso colectivo de hashtags en museos de la red REMED. Collective predictive analysis in REMED museums hashtag´s usage

  1. Víctor Yeste 1
  2. Ángeles Calduch-Losa 1
  3. Jorge Serrano-Cobos 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Valencia, España


I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales (CIMED)

Publisher: Universitat Politècnica de València

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 251-265

Congress: Congreso CIMED - I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias DigitalesUniversitat Politècnica de Valènciamarzo 25, 2021 – marzo 26, 2021

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.4995/CIMED21.2021.12281 GOOGLE SCHOLAR


In scientific literature, museum cultural marketing is usually studied from theperspective of the case, analyzing specific projects; or, on the contrary, in ageneric way, without basing the study on data, sometimes difficult to capture.In this case, the joint activity of a sample of the museums of the REMEDnetwork on Twitter is analyzed, extracting cybermetric data from common andspecific hashtags used by the members of the network. On these data, thepredictive capacity (for certain parameters of success in terms of digital cultural marketing) of the negative binomial regression or Poisson regression,generalized linear model types used to work with count data (number of timesthat certain phenomenon occurs). As a result, we will obtain a map of certaincommunication characteristics used by this subset of social accounts, throughthis social network, whose future performance may be approximated based onthe prediction capacity of different variables, which would allow thoseaccounts to achieve better performance, in terms of digital success

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